
valid balance

Given balance

  "id": 1,
  "address": "BTZfSbi0JKqguZ/tIAPUIhdAa7Y=",
  "amount": "1.25",
  "expiration": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z"

When validate balance

Then expect no error.

an error is returned if id is empty

Given balance


When validate balance

Then expect the error

id: empty or zero is not allowed: parse error

an error is returned if address is empty

Given balance

  "id": 1

When validate balance

Then expect the error

address: empty address string is not allowed: parse error

an error is returned if amount is empty

Given balance

  "id": 1,
  "address": "BTZfSbi0JKqguZ/tIAPUIhdAa7Y="

When validate balance

Then expect the error

amount: empty string is not allowed: parse error

an error is returned if amount is zero

Given balance

  "id": 1,
  "address": "BTZfSbi0JKqguZ/tIAPUIhdAa7Y=",
  "amount": "0"

When validate balance

Then expect the error

amount: expected a positive decimal, got 0.000000000000000000: invalid decimal string: parse error

an error is returned if amount is negative

Given balance

  "id": 1,
  "address": "BTZfSbi0JKqguZ/tIAPUIhdAa7Y=",
  "amount": "-1.25"

When validate balance

Then expect the error

amount: expected a positive decimal, got -1.250000000000000000: invalid decimal string: parse error

an error is returned if expiration is empty

Given balance

  "id": 1,
  "address": "BTZfSbi0JKqguZ/tIAPUIhdAa7Y=",
  "amount": "1.25"

When validate balance

Then expect the error

expiration: empty timestamp is not allowed: parse error